Saturday, September 8, 2007

Survival of the wildest

It was a typical summer in Sansura forest with the lakes cracked up.Sansura forest was all dry and it hadn’t received rains for three years now. A wild soul or two in the forest would just occasionally stroll around the bank of Aromba Lake and return to find the lake all dried up. Aromba was the biggest lake in the habitat. Gone are the days when wild herds of deer or zebra would come flocking to the lake to quench their thirst, round the year. The lake was a cool hang out of sorts for all those happy-go-lucky rhinos. The lake could easily pass off as a ‘pub’ for the wild beings, they would have a gala time socialising within their herd and flexing their muscles after a hard day of work. But today, all the animals in the forest across species lay in their own homes in despair. Hunting goes on, alright, but how can they possibly go without water?

The Supremo Mr.Rajaka soon sent a notice to all the habitants about the meeting that weekend. He was a majestic lion with his mane held high. Of late , everybody in the forest was wondering about the absence of his famous charm. Now , the gentleman has dark circles around his ever-fierce eyes and his roars lacked lustre.The state of his citizens worried him to no end.Yes, the forest was in a gross situation and they were fast running out of patience. So, everybody was pinning their hopes on this week’s meeting.

So,the long awaited moment came along and they assembled near Aromba Lake for the meet.The worried bunch of animals gathered there with His Majesty at the podium.He said solemnly,“I am sure we all know the reason for this gathering,today”, after a pause he continued,“No summer in our forest was ever so dry.The cracks on the lake bed are here for all of us to see. Now, I would like to make a proposal to all the citizens of the habitat. How would you like the idea of moving to the near-by forest. There isn't a great source of water there either but I guess we can manage there till the end of this summer and think about a long term solution after the season.”

There was pensive silence in the scorching heat,no nobody spoke a word for a minute or two.Miniki,the tigress,stood up and spoke out,“Sir,the water in the forest near-by will not suffice Jumbo’s thirst for a day.Where will poor Jumbo go the next day? We must all carry him around if he faints.Half-fulfilled thirst is more dangerous.We are all already in trouble , so,do we need such a plight?” With this, everybody burst out laughing including Jumbo the elephant himself. Mr.Mic(as he was lovingly called)replied warily,“Then , what do we do? Yes,any other useful suggestions?”

There was silence again. Then Chinki,the white dove ,spoke in a clear tone , after careful thought,"See, the scene is so bad only in the forest areas not everywhere. There are good cities in the‘outskirts’of our forest where there may be enough water for all of us and more.It is they,the human beings who brought us to such a state.If there are such bad ones in the group there will be good ones too. We might find enough people who might share their resources with us".Miniki agreed , " Oh yes, he has a point. I guess we must try it out." Then Charu,the fox,said,"If you try that out,there won’t be any folks in the cities . They will all flee or you will be killed and poached. Or you will be caught and put in some place they call 'circus’where they ill treat us". Miniki roared getting worked up,"The police won’t let that happen,Iam respected as one of the most important species in India." Some neighbours chattered about the tiff and then Mr. Mic quitened the folks,"We are in trouble people , it’s not a time to offend each other"."I am sorry ,I really am.Didn’t mean to anger you",said Charu quietly to Miniki.

After a brief discussion,His Majesty pronounced the decision,"tommorrow morning at seven o’clock,let us all move on to the city.Please start early so that we’ll have enough time to find our way through the city.I hope we’ll all have enough time to pack up.I hope to see you all assembled at the same place tommorrow.I am signing off here".The sun rised in Sansura and the citizens dutifully assembled near the dried up lake. Mr. Mic came on the platform and announced,"As we start this journey with high spirits..." he added ruefully,"well.…..whatever is left of us,I want all of us to swear to stand by each other in the hurdles that await us.Do I have your word?" Then the shore rose in cheer,"You do!", they affairmed.

They started their journey walking on the cracked lake bed towards the northern suburb of Mumbai. They walked a few miles and halted at a bus stop , there , they found a board , close-by, that read," Mumbai consumes about 3000 million cubic litres of water everyday. So, please save water!" The whole of the town, by now, gathered around the‘guests’.The guests were more surprised at the board than the people were to see them.A man,still in his night clothes,shouted out,"Somebody call the zoo authorities.Look whats happening!" Jumbo,spoke up,"Please friends,help us out.Don’t call the zoo , we from the forests.Our place is literally dry , there is not a drop of water to drink.We would all like to share your habitat." By the time he finished speaking, smitten children were already climbing onto his tail and frolicing. The other animals too joined in with their pleas.

Another man, with leather jacket himself, from the crowd spoke up,"Sure,these animals need protection.It is a great chance for all of us to do our bit to care for the wild life and see to the ecological balance." Reeno, the monkey couldn’t follow a word of what he spoke but nodded anyway.Another lady from the crowd spoke,"Bhai saab,are you okay? How can we shelter these things, here ? We have no resources ourselves." A man in a cotton coat and cap,whispered winking to the‘animal-lover’,"Come on,Mr.Pai,what can these things do to bring us back to power? Why do you want to waste your time fighting for a non-issue?" The ‘animal–lover’quipped,getting agitated,"Your true colours are showing , finally.People like you derserve to be behind bars.Sir, please go through your record once again!" Then ,an old lady from the crowd shouted trembling,unaware of whom this man shouted at,"Get these animals into the Zoo and then go behind bars or where ever you like." A person in a white coat and thick glasses yelled out,"Oh no,please,let the monkeys be. We need them for the tests,our labs need more of them.Don’t you know,Med-plus Ltd. is researching for a wonder-drug?"
This verbal firing, on the road ,slowly grew into a chaos and people were throwing brick-bats all around .Charu the fox got his share of mud thrown at him.Ginie the cobra , got her share of beatings–both her body and...ego. She thought she was the most poisonous being on earth,till the-day-before.

The animals fled! Fled as fast as lightening! When they reached the edge of the forest,His majesty spoke,"Let us all rest in peace. Looks like the human beings have finally acquired our qualities. The world does not need us any more. We are jumping into the Arabian sea tommorrow. Let us enjoy our last night in Sansura.” The animals dispersed. The next day,all of them jumped into the sea. Too tired to swim , they gave in to death.

Lakshmi Vishwanathan

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